정책칼럼 Regional cooperation and integration in support of a sustainable development-oriented multilateral trading system(22.3月)/ESCAP jn209 2022. 4. 14. 11:17 TIID_WP_012022_Regional cooperation and integration in support of a sustainable development-oriented multilateral trading system_3.pdf 1.14MB 공유하기 게시글 관리 yknet 저작자표시 비영리 변경금지 '정책칼럼' 카테고리의 다른 글 Government R&D spending as a driving force of technology convergence(22.4月)/ ZHU Chen(東京大),元橋 一之(ファカルティフェロー).RIETI (0) 2022.04.14 Compound Risk Analysis of Natural Hazards and Infectious Disease Outbreaks(22.4月)/ADB (0) 2022.04.14 The Return of Expansionary Austerity: Firms’ Investment Response to Fiscal Adjustments in Emerging Markets(22-4-8)/Nicolas E Magud ,Samuel Pienknagura .IMF (0) 2022.04.14 A new macroeconomic measure of human capital exploiting PISA and PIAAC: Linking education policies to productivity(22-4-8)/Balázs Égert, Christine de la Maisonneuve and David Turner.OECD (0) 2022.04.14 Consolidating the Recovery : Seizing Green Growth Opportunities)(22.4月)/World Bank (0) 2022.04.14 '정책칼럼' Related Articles Government R&D spending as a driving force of technology convergence(22.4月)/ ZHU Chen(東京大),元橋 一之(ファカルティフェロー).RIETI Compound Risk Analysis of Natural Hazards and Infectious Disease Outbreaks(22.4月)/ADB The Return of Expansionary Austerity: Firms’ Investment Response to Fiscal Adjustments in Emerging Markets(22-4-8)/Nicolas E Magud ,Samuel Pienknagura .IMF A new macroeconomic measure of human capital exploiting PISA and PIAAC: Linking education policies to productivity(22-4-8)/Balázs Égert, Christine de la Maisonneuve and David Turner.OECD