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금융브리프 32권 17호(23-9-9)/KIF
주택,가계부채 및 경기-중국과 한국의 경우(23-7-24)/Amir Sufi(시카고大).NBER 2021년 한중 양국은 모두 가계부채가 대폭증가했고 경제상황이 약세에 처해있다. 신용 주도 주택 수요경로 모델을 이용하여 향후 경제상황을 탐색해 본 결과 긍정적인 측면은 양국 모두심각한 재정위기상황이 아니고 경상수지도 견조하다는 것이지만, 부정적인 측면에서는 향후 소비지출의 약화 가능성이 있고 특히 중국의 경우에는 자산시장부양을 위해 제조부문의 왜곡이 호황기의 주요한 성장 동인이었다는 점이 가장 큰 위험이다. 자산시장의 혼돈가운데 성장을 지속할 수있을지는 불투명하다. = Housing, Household Debt, and the Business Cycle: An Application to China and Korea = China and South Korea both experienced substant..
금융브리프 32권 14호(23-7-22)/금융연구원
중국경제는 얼마나 어려운가?(23-7-17)/에코노미스트 How much trouble is China’s economy in? Growth is faltering and the country is flirting with deflation When janet yellen visited Beijing this month she did her bit for the local restaurant trade. America’s treasury secretary dined with her team at an establishment known for Yunnanese dishes, which subsequently unveiled a “God of Wealth” menu in her honour. She also hosted a lunch with female ent..
금가격의 미스터리(23-7-13)/에코노미스트 The mystery of gold prices A fear-and-inflation hedge has failed to hedge against fear or inflation Traders have an expression to describe how unpredictable financial markets can be: “better off dumb”. Stocks or other financial markets can sometimes behave in unforeseeable ways. Analysts predicted that American share prices would collapse if Donald Trump won the election in 2016—they soared. Com..
암호화폐에 대한 이슬람권의 선호(23-7-14)/에코노미스트 Does Islam smile on cryptocurrency? .Islamic scholars can’t agree on whether cryptocurrency is sharia-compliant “You know why they call it Bitcoin?” asks Ismail ibn Musa Menk, a Muslim scholar in Zimbabwe whose online videos have a big international viewership. “It bit us all,” he laments. “I got bitten too, you know.” Social-media users began to speculate if he had dabbled in the cryptocurrency..
중국이 배제된 배터리 공급망 불가능-환경정책과 안보정책의 충돌(23-7-17)/에코노미스트 =중국을 제외한 배터리 공급망은 불가능해 보인다 녹색산업정책과 매파적 안보정책이 충돌하고 있다 = “I’d like to get all the gas emissions off the highways of the world,” said John Goodenough, one of the Nobel-prize winning scientists who developed the lithium-ion battery four decades ago, during an interview in 2018. Goodenough died on June 25th before his dream could become reality. But governments around the world are scrambling to make..
전기 자동차 지배를 향한 테슬라의 놀라운 새로운 경로 -당신이 파괴한 업계처럼 되기(23-7-18)/에코노미스트 Tesla’s surprising new route to EV domination -Become more like the industry you disrupte 전기 자동차 지배를 향한 테슬라의 놀라운 새로운 경로 당신이 파괴한 업계처럼 되기 IN 2011 TESLA stated an aim of becoming “the most compelling car company of the 21st century, while accelerating the world’s transition to electric vehicles”. At the time this was easy to dismiss as crackers. In the eight years since its founding in 2003 the fir..