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세계는 제조업 망상에 사로잡혀 있다-수조 달러를 낭비하는 방법(23-7-13)/에코노미스트 The world is in the grip of a manufacturing delusion How to waste trillions of dollars 세계는 제조업 망상에 사로잡혀 있다-수조 달러를 낭비하는 방법 Industry has an allure all of its own. “From manufacturing you may expect the two greatest ills of humanity, superstition and slavery, to be healed,” wrote Ferdinando Galiani, an Enlightenment thinker. More than 250 years on, governments share his view of factories as a cure ..
기술사업화 재원의 제약과 기반 환경의 전환(23-7-14)/손수정.과학기술정책연구원 부존자원이 부족한 한국의 지속가능한 경제성장을 위해 혁신성장이 갖는 역할은 매우 크며, 특히 이러한 혁신이 성장으로 이어지는 연결고리에 있어서 ‘기술사업화’는 중요한 기능을 수행한다. 따라서 한국은 양질의 ‘기술’을 창출하기 위한 R&D정책에서, 창출된 기술의 확산(교류, 공유, 사업화(이전, 창업 등))을 위한 사업화정책 및 벤처정책 등에 이르는 혁신 활동 지원을 위한 다양한 정책을 확대해 왔다. 기본적으로 기술사업화 추진을 위한 주요 재원은 기술, 주체, 금융, 인프라 등으로 구분가능하다. 기술은 적정 권리화, 필요 기술들의 풀링(pooling), 시제품 제작 등을 위한 엔지니어링, 기술의 수요와의 매칭 등의 환경 조성이 필요하다. 주체는 산학연 각 주체의 특징에 부합하는 역량 강화와 이들 간의 협력..
The crypto ecosystem: key elements and risks(23-07-11)/.BIS This report reviews the key elements of the crypto ecosystem and assesses their structural flaws. There are three main takeaways. First, due to underlying economic incentives, the crypto ecosystem is characterised by congestion and high fees, which lead to fragmentation. Second, despite an original ethos of decentralisation, crypto and decentralised finance (DeFi) often feature substantial de-fa..
판소리 세계화의 현황과 미래 전략/최혜진.목원대
Korea faces opportunities as well as risks under the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework(23.7月)/Jeffrey J. Schott外.PIIE연구소 INTRODUCTION The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), launched by the United States in May 2022, seeks to promote investment, trade, supply chain resilience, climate change mitigation, and other goals to achieve sustainable and equitable growth among the 14 participating countries. Unlike traditional trade pacts, which seek to open new market access opportunities by lowering im..
How US chip controls on China benefit and cost Korean firms(23.7月)/Martin Chorzempa.PIIE연구소 INTRODUCTION In late 2022, the US Department of Commerce issued landmark restrictions to prevent China’s military from having access to advanced semiconductors. The so-called October 7 controls restrict semiconductors, or chips, needed for artificial intelligence (AI) and supercomputing and impose sweeping bans on US equipment, software, and expertise needed to make any advanced chips in China (..
What should be done about Google's quasi-monopoly in search? Mandatory data sharing versus AI-driven technological competition(23-7-6)/Bertin Martens.Bruegel The first part of this paper focuses on competition between search engines that match user queries with webpages. User welfare, as measured by click-through rates on top-ranked pages, increases when network effects attract more users and generate economies of scale in data aggregation. However, network effects trigger welfare concerns when a search engine reaches a dominant market position. The ..
The Effects of Cryptocurrency Wealth on Household Consumption and Investment(23-07-10)/Darren Aiello外.NBER This paper uses transaction-level data across millions of accounts to identify cryptocurrency investors and evaluate how fluctuations in individual crypto wealth affect household consumption, equity investment, and local real estate markets. We estimate an MPC out of unrealized crypto gains that is more than double the MPC out of unrealized equity gains but smaller than the MPC from exogenous ca..