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한국인의 젠더정체성과 젠더갈등/김기동(미주리대)外
Risks and opportunities of reshaping global value chains(23-6-23)/David Crowe 外.OECD The paper reviews selected implications of trade integration via global value chains (GVC) and identifies gaps in understanding of GVC risks. Despite recent significant progress, many GVC risks remain unknown. The paper also discusses pros and cons of possible strategies to minimise GVC risks and specific measures that are debated in the literature. None of the proposed strategies is a silver bu..
금융브리프 32권 12호(23-6-24)/금융연구원
재정분권 정책 및 지방이양 사업 평가(23-6-16)/국회예산정책처
디지털결제시스템이 달러의존도를 줄일 수있을까?(23-5-15)/에코노미스트 = Could digital-payments systems help unseat the dollar?Might digital finance reduce the world’s dependence on the dollar?= After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014, a financial battle began. Western card networks pulled out of Russia and politicians called for it to be cut off from the SWIFT messaging system for international payments. In response Russia built a central-bank owned card networ..
호주는 핵심광물의 중국독점을 깨뜨릴 수 있을까-아시아의 새로운 자원경쟁(23-6-20)/에코노미스트 = Can Australia break China’s monopoly on critical minerals?Asia’s new resource competition = JUST AS OIL was weaponised by its suppliers in the 1970s, so China’s dominance in the supply and processing of critical minerals could prove threatening. Cobalt, graphite, lithium, nickel, the rare earths and more are called critical for good reason. They are crucial to defence, smartphones and other di..
기대와 달리 안정된 석유/가스가격-opec은 가격인상의 행운이 없다(23-6-19)/에코노미스트 = Against expectations, oil and gas remain cheap-OPEC has had little luck pushing up crude prices = n the months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine any hint of bad news sent energy prices into the stratosphere. When a fire forced an American gas plant to close, strikes clogged French oil terminals, Russia demanded Europe pay for fuel in roubles or the weather looked grimmer than usual, markets w..
임금 물가 동행성은 실제보다 이론이 두려운가-임금상승의 미래인플레 예측성은 낮다 (23-6-15)/에코노미스트 =Wage-price spirals are far scarier in theory than in practice-Rising salaries are a poor predictor of future inflation = A wage-price spiral is the stuff of inflationary nightmares. It refers to a situation when prices gallop higher—perhaps because of a sudden shock or policy missteps, or both—and wages race upward to keep pace with them, in turn feeding through to yet more price rises and yet ..